Tagged from An cyg..

samat petang sumer..
Rajin btol Cik Feez wat entry arineh yek..
berduyun².. hehe..tu laa, sape suh tangguh..
hakikatnye entry2 yg baru di posting tuh, sumer tangguh2 pnya entry..
owh, kali neh rajin nk jwb entry dari Butik ownerku --> An.. ;p

1. How old are you?

23 thn..bln 5 arituh.. =)

2. Are you single?
yeap..eh..x..x..belum kawen..tp becoming kot..ahaha..

3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
andai jodoh tiba.. hanya berserah padaNya..iktkn target 26 or 27.. lg 3 or 4 tawun laa..

4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
InsyaAllah.. kna byk2 berdoa laa..

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
sape msuk minang dlu, die laa orgnye kot..ahahaha.. statement x leh blah..

6. Who will be your bridesmaid or your bestman?
sape² laa yg sudi.. ;p

7. Do you want a garden/ beach or traditional wedding?
Garden + Tradisional.. unik n menarik..

8. Where do you plan to go for honeymoon?
Pulau Perhentian.. dlm Malaysia ckp laa.. kalo lua nk g Jogjakarta.. ;p

9. How many guest do you think you’ll invite?
ikut tempat kot.. kalo wat kt dewan leh jmput skali ramai.. kalo wat kt umah, kwn²ku, kwn² parentku...

10. Will that include your exes?
erkk... jemput je laa..x nak dtg sudah..hehe..

11. How many layers of cake do you want?
8 layer.. x pn nk kek bantal cam wedding mawi tuh..hehe..verangan..!

12. When do you want to get married? Morning or evening?
Nikah di malam hari.. baru syahdu.. bersandingnya tngahari..cam bese org wat..

13. Name the song/tune you would like to play at your wedding?
Erkk.. x ingt tajuk.. tp nyanyi die camneh.. "Kompang di paluuu.. pengantin baruuu..
duduk bersandinggg.. tersimpul maluuuu"

14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon/fork/ knife?
Fine Dining

15. Champagne or red wine?
Air yg halal di minum.. Bandung kot.. ;p

16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
ikut mase yg sesuai kot..

17. Money or household items?
X kesah.. janji ikhlas..

18. How many kids would you like to have?
erk.. x kawen lg, camno maw plan??

19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD and CD?
Mesti.. kalo dpt wat special tv program lg best..wahahaha...

20. I want to know their wedding plan:



ok..sudah ckp utk hari ini..
sok, ade lg shari nk beryahoo..yahoo..
bos cuti smpai rabu jek.. ;p

1 comment:

  1. eh... i tak de plan nak kawin pun... tak mo buat tag ni bole??

    hahahah tak sporting plak aku ni... dik.. nnt i buat kalau rajin k??


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